NEW SAFETY GATES at the extremities of the village of QM FREIXOS

These new gates are located in the following areas:
(a) End of and at the end of VILA 36, Rua dos Freixos
b) End of VILA 15, Rua dos Freixos
c) End of VILA 39 and swimming pool of HOTEL MARTINHAL
d) End of VILA 28 and swimming pool of HOTEL MARTINHAL
e) End between VILA 23 and VILA 24 leading to Piscinas Street.


New areas for Gardenning & Domestic Waste

a) Main AREA in front of VILLA 12 Rua dos Freixos ( Vegetable & Domestic Waste ) 
b) In the back of VILLA 17 ( Vegetable & Domestic Rubbish )
c) In the Roundabout near VILA 28 Domestic rubbish and between Swimming-pool MARTINHAL and VILA 28 Vegetable rubbish Area.

The administration would be grateful if all owners would inform their gardeners of these new areas.